Pillar of Competence: How the Resilience-Building Leader Program Shapes Leaders

Rickesh Waller
3 min readDec 12, 2020

The emergence of household names in a particular industry is prompted by their ability to usher in transformative products or services. These offerings tend to revolutionize the fulfillment of the needs of those in the receiving end of the spectrum. And in the arena of leadership and team-building, the people’s need for change has been remarkably addressed by the Resilience-Building Program. This learning-oriented avenue breeds visionaries by cultivating confidence and fostering materially relevant skills.

Having earned a reputable standing for significantly changing how industry leaders are born, the Resilience-Building Program has become a beacon of trustworthiness and excellence. It aims to bring out the inner strength that would serve as the cornerstone of a solid team or group. Moreover, the entity strives to tap into the leadership skills that are deeply ingrained in those who wish to make a difference.

Widely acknowledged for its sterling reputation, the Resilience-Building Leader Program™ is the credentialing body for the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional™ (RBLP™) series of leadership certifications. Its mission is to identify and certify people who are ready to Build Resilient Teams and lead them with dauntless spirits, even in a difficult and challenging environment.

Proving to be a reliable source of leadership acumen, the Resilience-Building Leader Program assures people who earn an RBLP™ certification that they will come out well-equipped with formative experiences. In addition, these individuals can be confident that their professional credential is based on competency standards developed in accordance with the industry’s best practices in exam development and administration.

As a member organization of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence, the Resilience-Building Leader Program exhibits credentialing efforts aligned with the standards outlined in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Education Measurement, 2014).

To guarantee unparalleled excellence, the Resilience-Building Leader Program holds certification exams via Microsoft Teams that provide the public with a reliable mechanism for certifying that its credential holders have met relevant standards of competence. Additionally, its certification processes and procedures ensure that all RBLP™ credential holders demonstrate their abilities and skills adequately and fairly. The entity’s continuing education programs and recertification requirements also warrant that credential holders can keep their standards of proficiency well beyond initial certification.

As one of the foremost advocates of leadership, the Resilience-Building Leader Program believes that resilient teams are stronger together and that they are more capable of making organizational learning and change possible. It also wants to prove that learning is how organizations change and sustain a competitive advantage. Indeed, organizations need leaders that can support organizational learning and train middle managers to facilitate team learning.

The Resilience-Building Leader Program was established in the hopes of being a platform that aspiring leaders can readily wield to reprogram their minds and allow them to grasp all of the great qualities needed to grow as authoritative figures. On top of that, this purpose-driven body seeks to highlight the importance of embracing life’s possibilities and the valuable lessons that come hand in hand with them.

Founded on the premise that collective resilience is essential for organizational learning and change, the Resilience-Building Leader Program envisions a worldwide community of practice committed to the idea of Building Resilient Teams™. And through its diligent efforts, it guides individuals as they make significant strides towards the pinnacles of their careers.

To know more about the Resilience-Building Leader Program, you may visit its website or follow it on Twitter.

